John Himbury interview- technician

John Himbury interview- technician

What’s your name and age?

John Himbury:
My names John Himbury and I’m 58.

During the year 2000, were you already here back then?

John Himbury:
Yeah I was already here, I’ve now been here for 15 year so I’ve now been here for 2 years in 2000.

What was the technology like around here in year 2000?

John Himbury:
Not as good as it is now.

Were the rooms still like this back then?

John Himbury:
No, we used to be based on the second floor of the design block and it was just about the time when Macs first came into being.

John Himbury:
Have you ever been to letterpress? (Yes) When you had your induction about the 2 hours for letterpress, I did a 6-year apprenticeship.  So I’m…I think I’m the last of the actual compositor; cause that’s what setting type by hand is called. I think I’m the last of the compositors in the university.

After that how was the change in technology, like when did LCC start to get better technology?

John Himbury:
LCC gets better technology every year.

And then most of the computers would be windows instead right, at that time?

John Himbury:
 I’ve always worked with Macs, I started with macs when the first came out so..

So LCC already had Macs when they first came out?

John Himbury:

Why did you choose to come here, to LCC?

John Himbury:
I used to work for a design company, many years ago and I came to LCC because the company where I worked used to do lots of work for Polygram records and PolyGram records decided to do all their work themselves so we were out of work. And then consequently I came here, and to be honest it’s really nice working with students because you think you’re actually giving something back to them.

So the style of art I guess, that’s something we’re interested in, since right now I guess the style is very modern at LCC- what were the designs back then like for the school.
What were their promotional materials like?

John Himbury:
Umm…at the time they were modern but when you look back, obviously they now look old fashioned but at the time it was modern, it was cutting-edge. (so it was always top trends) yeah.

Did they still use a lot of San Serif back then?

John Himbury:
yeah they just used… what generally happens is typefaces generally go through a trend so when I first came here there were some horrible typefaces and people were using them because it was fashionable. And that’s what design is like; if you’re wearing certain kinds of clothes it’s the fashion. If you’re designing certain kinds of magazines or booklets it’s the fashion.

Yeah, and how big was the student body back then?

John Himbury:
Not as big as it is now. (Because we have 200 people in our first year for GMD and that’s like a lot of people) Well I think there’s 5 and a half thousand students on campus now. When I first came here there was about half that amount.

Where there any designers that were here or just artists that were around the time period of the year 2000 and went out to become kind of famous? Do you recall any?

John Himbury:
no to be honest with you. One of the biggest designers that was here was a guy called Tom Eckersley. Who’d at his time was a really leading designer, if you go Google Tom Eckersley.

Do you have any events in the year 2000 that you recall that you know mark your memory?
It doesn’t have to be LCC related just like in general.

John Himbury?
No not really.

That was when you entered LCC?

John Himbury: