Music, Architecture and Technology

2000 Research

-       Artists such as include Britney Spears, Moby, Eminem, Travis and the Beatles became widely successful
o   Britney Spears released “Oops!... I Did It Again”
§  20 million copies – best-selling album by female artist of the decade
-       50 Cent is shot nine times in Queens but returns to performing afterwards
-                         Back Street Boys’ successful debut
o   “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely”

-       Dance acts received massive success throughout the year, and represented 37% of the total singles sales of the year, making it the most popular genre of the year.

-       Genres of Music Specifically developed in 2000 were
o   Neo Soul (Nu Soul) style was developed
§  American fusion of Contemporary R&B
o   Naturalismo
§  A term for the 2000s folk movement also referred to as New Weird America or Freak Folk

-       Tate Modern, London becomes open to the public
-       Peckham Library in London is built and wins the year’s Stirling Prize
-       Experience Music Project opens in Seattle
o   Designed by Frank Gehry
-       Al Faisaliyah Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is the first building to be completed in the competition between two Saudi princes. The Kingdom Center is completed several months later.
-       Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, reconstructed to Konstantin Thon's 1832 design, is dedicated
-       By 2000, the average American house size shot up to 2,272 square feet in the United States (compared to 983 square feet in 1950)

-       PlayStation 2 was released on March 4
-       The Segway - The first self-balancing, electric powered transportation machine invented by Dean Kamen
o   Uses dynamic stabilization to enable the transporter to balance itself with the help of tilt sensors, gyroscopes and a built-in computer
o   The following article was written in 2000 when the Segway Human Transporter was a mysterious invention known only by its codename Ginger
-       Stephen King released the first ever mass-market eBook – “Riding The Bullet”, which was downloaded by half a million readers in a couple of days. He published it in an eBook format using an honor system asking readings to pay for each installment
-       Hybrid Car – Toyota released the Toyota Prius, the first hybrid four-door sedan available in the United States. Hybrid cars use a gasoline or diesel engine to power a motor. When the power of the motor is not required to move the vehicle, the motor can shut off, saving energy, or can be used to generate electricity that is stored in batteries, and later used to power the car.
-       Environmentally friendly transformer fluid – Invented by T.V Oommen and derived from vegetable oil, they were highly refined mineral oils that are constant at high temperatures and have exceptional electrical insulating assets. It was a breakthrough, as vegetable oils became a viable fuel source.
-       The Census of Marine Life (CoML) – A growing global network of researchers in more than 70 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in the oceans – past, present and future. Its news press was released in London in 2010.
-       The Rough Draft of the human genome was announced jointly by president of the United States, Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
o   It was an achievement that represented a pinnacle of human self-knowledge as two rival groups of scientists said in a joint announcement today they had effectively deciphered the genome, which is the set of genetic instructions that defines the human organism.
o   The genome consists of two sets of 23 giant DNA chromosomes, with each set containing a total of 3 billion chemical units.

House Sizes –

PlayStation 2 –
Segway –
Hybrid Car –
Environmentally Friendly Transformer Fluid –
The Census of Marine Life (CoML) –
Rough Draft of the Human Genome