Interview: Chris May via email

1. Please give us your name, age and first year you entered lcc:
Chris May, 51, 1984

2. What are you in charge of/what course were/are you in?:
Job title is: Year 01 Co-ordinator for Graphic and Media Design. Also a senoir lecturer on year 02 of FdA Design for Graphic Communication. I did an HND in Typographic Design in the 1980s and an MA in Graphic Design in 2010. I will continue my PhD at LCC next year

3. According to you, what changed since you entered LCC (technology, facilities, style...)?
The biggest change is the rise of design courses, when I was first a student the college was known for printing education - apprenticeships/training

4. In the year 2000, what was your most memorable project/occurrence at LCC?
I wasnt working at LCC then

5. Generally speaking, is there a particular event in the year 2000 that you remember or stood out to you? (could be anything, sport, celebrities, personal events etc...)
Sydney Olympic Games

6. (Facultative) By staying at LCC, what do you hope to achieve?
To pass on the knowledge I have gained as a freelance designer by educating the new generations of design students and practitioners
